Wednesday, October 17, 2007

tut tut is that a raincloud?

I was shocked last night to see clouds rolling in around dusk. No, it was not just the sun sinking, the diminishing light was connected to a brooding grey heavy on the horizon. There were a few teasing drops early evening, and then around 2am we got a good dousing. Can you believe it, rain in the desert?! Apparently it may go a year without rain here... and the usual showers come in the winter. Crazy eh?!

The sun is working its magic again, so most of the streets are fairly dry already, but apparently Cairo wasn't designed for heavy rain, (with drains etc) so when it gets a chance downpour, there can be flooding. This one didn't cause major trouble, but we'll see what happens later in the year.

I was delighted to wake up to the rain and thunder because it's the first dramatic change in weather we've had since my arrival. It brings with it fresh, charged excitement. Today is also cooler... blessed blessed rain.

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