Friday, October 12, 2007

September Snapshots

Moving beyond mental images, now, here are some photos of everyday life in Egypt as my one-month mark approaches!

I'm still starry eyed about the glitz and glamour of Cairo

Look at this gorgeous architecture: it's the Opera House
in the heart Zamelek (an island in the middle of the Nile)

of course, you need one classic tourist shot: the Nile - downtown Cairo
(whew, now it's out of my system!)

ah, the gorgeous palms along these fertile shores

three of my favourite Aswan ladies

a taste of pop-culture: our first concert at the Opera House.
The Egyptian heart-throb was Mohamed Monier, and we - four CIDA interns and friends - stood like anticipatory match sticks in a full box, packed in by hundreds of screaming Egyptians, while we waited for hours for the show to begin. Here's proof that he finally showed up!

a city of high first view of Cairo

the lush islands around Aswan (the view from our hotel)

...and my extended family!

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